Vista System’s Wayfinding Signs Were Recently Installed at all KFC Branches in Spain



Vista System International, a world leader in Modular Curved Frame Technology (MCFT), recently supplied its elegant and easy to update Wayfinding sign frames to “Carbonell Rotulación + Imagen”, for installation at all KFC Branches in Spain – as part of a big renovation project.

During the last 2 years, all branches of KFC in Spain went through an image upgrading process, focused mainly on re designing the point of sale areas. The designer of the renovation project needed an elegant and easily updateable sign system that will complement the new design.  Due to the dynamic nature of the project the signs had to be delivered to various locations in Spain within a very short notice. Vista System was chosen for its elegant design, ease of updating by in house staff and fast shipping options.

Modular Curved Frame Technology provides many advantages vs. other custom fabricated and modular sign systems.  It is easy to install and update by even a novice.  This saves time and the costs associated with using onsite signage professionals.  Clear, concise directions make the installation process fast and easy.  MCFT can be dismantled easily for efficient shipping and in many cases can even be shipped via such lower cost delivery services as UPS, FedEx and additional similar delivery companies overseas



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