Latest on Canon purchase of Oce

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On November 16, 2009 Canon Inc. (trading symbol CAJ) (“Canon”) and Océ N.V. (trading symbol OCE) (“Océ”) announced that Canon intends to make a fully self-funded, public cash offer for all the issued and outstanding ordinary shares of Océ (the “Ordinary Shares”) at an offer price of € 8.60 in cash per Ordinary Share.

Today, Canon has given notice to the AFM (Dutch Authority Financial Markets) that it has acquired through market purchases a number of Ordinary Shares representing approximately 20.0% of Océ’s total issued share capital.

These Ordinary Shares were acquired by Canon at an average price of € 8.546 (with € 8.59 as the highest price paid) and represent approximately 25.3% of the total Ordinary Shares.

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