PrintFactory is HP-certified for wide format printing with JDF exchange


Four Pees, exclusive world-wide distributor of the PrintFactory software suite for banner, sign and super wide format printing is certified partner of HP, who has just been selected to chair the Wide Format Workgroup of The International Cooperation for the Integration of Processes in Prepress, Press, and Postpress Organization (CIP4). The goal is to define open JDF standards for wide-format printing workflows.

The initiative is designed to resolve interoperability shortfalls between web-to-print tools, production devices, raster image processors and digital front ends so that they work together to streamline wide-format printing workflows for increased productivity.

In conjunction with the creation of JDF features and specifications for wide-format applications, HP is rolling out a new certification program that allows partner workflow solutions to be “HP Certified for Wide Format Printing JDF Exchange.” HP certification assures that workflow solutions exchanging JDF will interoperate properly with each other, allowing PSPs to easily build an e-storefront to market their services, take advantage of production automation tools to reduce costs and differentiate their service offerings through automated customer relationship management tools. PrintFactory is one of the first solutions to achieve HP certification under this new program.

“Heightened economic pressure and shortened job preparation requirements continue to increase the need for automation in wide-format printing workflows,” comments David van Driessche, Chief Technology Officer with Four Pees. “The focus with PrintFactory has always been to increase efficiency while preparing, producing and finishing wide-format jobs; supporting JDF in all stages of the workflow is a natural move for Four Pees. As proven by the HP certification we just received automation is not something we simply talk about; it’s there and PrintFactory users can start to take advantage of it today.” 

Advanced automation and integration through JDF

With Four Pees as alliance partner of HP in the creation of JDF features and specifications for wide-format applications, PrintFactory 4 is one of the first software suites to extensively support JDF for standards-based integrated production automation. It produces and consumes JDF on different levels.

  • The PrintFactory Editor prepares a job for production: tiles, grommets, tunnels, true shape nesting, color edits, shape edits, etc. It produces JDF instructions directly to the PrintFactory RIP or to the next workflow component (e.g. 3rd party RIP).
  • The PrintFactory RIP consumes JDF and processes a job according to the embedded specifications, including standardized/normalized printing.
  • PrintFactory offers different possibilities to fully automate most tasks and integrate with Web-to-print and MIS/ERP systems. This is done through JDF-based logging of each of the processes so that jobs can be tracked throughout the flow.
  • JDF-based variable data template files, populated with the actual variable data in the RIP, can be used by PrintFactory.
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