SGIA announced the winner of the esteemed Howard A. Parmele Award yesterday evening during the Expo’s Thursday Night Dinner Party in Las Vegas. Michel Caza, owner of Michel Caza Erul in France and an industry veteran of more than 50 years, was selected for his extensive contribution to screen printing and the SGIA community.
“This year’s Parmele Award honoree entered the screen printing industry in 1954 and started his first company in 1963,” said Joe Shondel, SGIA’s immediate past chairman, who presented the award. “He is recognised as the European pioneer of UV inks for a wide range of graphic and industrial applications.”
Caza has been a member of the Association for more than 25 years, and in addition to this year’s Parmele Award, he was honored with the distinguished SGIA Swormstedt Award in 1981 for best published technical article. He also was inducted into the Academy of Screen Printing Technology by his peers in 1982 and served as ASPT Chairman in 2003.
He also has held various leadership positions within SGIA, and has served with many organisations around the world.