EFI’s full product portfolio captured center stage at Connect users’ conference


EFI, a world leader in customer-focused digital printing innovation, wrapped up another information-packed Connect users’ conference last week, welcoming more than 500 customers to the Wynn Las Vegas. The 11th Connect conference enabled leaders from around the world to attend more than 120 educational sessions, test drive the latest EFI products, voice their opinions at user group meetings, hear thought-provoking speakers, and network with peers.

“This year’s event saw a 50 percent increase in registrations over last year, and the mood was very upbeat,” said Frank Mallozzi, senior VP of worldwide sales and marketing, EFI. “It was great to talk to and mingle with industry leaders who are focused on strengthening their companies to ensure they are in a position to lead the economic turn-around. We are pleased to have closed many deals at the event across our product portfolio.”

“EFI Connect is probably the most informative industry conference I attend,” said Glenn Huish, CTO at BelAire Displays, which uses Pace, VUTEk and Colorproof XF solutions. “The amount of personal interaction I get with key members of the EFI team, as well as the other conference attendees, is beyond any other event I’ve been to. This year I was literally in conversation every moment I wasn’t listening to a speaker, from the moment I sat down for breakfast every day, to the time I collapsed every night, only to do it all over again the next day.”

The full portfolio of EFI solutions was on display in the Connect lab. The latest versions of EFI’s print MIS, web-to-print, proofing, and workflow offerings were showcased, along with Fiery controller and software solutions. For the first time, a special Fiery “basics” training track was among the educational sessions. The Jetrion 4830, Rastek T660, VUTEk GS3200 and VUTEk GS5000r printers were running throughout the conference, and drew large crowds of onlookers and interested customers. The conference also featured exhibits of the latest printing technologies from 18 industry leaders.

Along with longer educational sessions and additional user group meetings, for the first time this Connect included a live auction with over 20 items up for bid, ranging from software add-ons and packages to consulting and training opportunities. A portion of the auction proceeds went to The Print and Graphics Scholarship Foundation (PGSF).

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