Fespa partnership with Graphics of the Americas boosts visitor interest


Graphics of the Americas (GOA)—February 24-26, Orange County Convention Center, Orlando, FL— is delivering 40 percent higher advance visitor registrations since announcing its 2011 move to Orlando and partnership with co-located events FESPA Americas and ISS. Now in its 36th year, GOA typically draws a 60:40 split of North- and Latin American attendees, respectively.

FESPA Joins GOA in #1 Vacation Destination: Orlando FESPA’s focus on screen and digital wide-format printing has attracted a significant new audience to register for the combined event taking place in the world’s most popular vacation destination, Orlando. The 40 percent surge reflects FESPA’s own ongoing global market research, which indicates convergence between the conventional and wide-format print segments, and growing levels of interest from commercial (offset and small-format digital) printers looking to diversify their offerings.

200+ Manufacturers and Distributors: CP Bourg, EFI, Enfocus, EskoArtwork, HP, Intermarket, Konica Minolta, MGI Mutoh and Presstek are just a few of the 200+ manufacturers and distributors exhibiting at GOA 2011. Exhibitors are responding to the enthusiasm of customers and prospects attending Graphics of the Americas by increasing their booth size or taking space for the first time.

100+ Educational Programs: The combined event offers a compelling educational program. GOA’s 80+ sessions comprise tracks in digital printing, design, marketing, and variable data printing; and include 16 seminars offered exclusively in Spanish. Numerous free theater presentations and live demonstrations also take place on the show floor. The FESPA Americas program includes its Global Business Forum, the Screen Masters Workshop, the Digital Textile Conference, and the global debut of FESPA’s Print Shop Live.

“The tide has turned,” said George Ryan, president, GOA. “The strongest individuals and companies, who have been paying attention to trends and are looking to access new revenue streams, are coming to Orlando in February. Our three-way partnership with FESPA and ISS offers visitors enhanced value, and this spike in pre-registrations proves that the mix appeals strongly to visitors from across the regions we serve.

“We were always confident that FESPA’s credibility in the global wide-format community would attract both established and prospective wide-format service providers, and now the numbers are proving it out.”

FESPA CEO Frazer Chesterman said that the combination of the three shows under one roof promises visitors a vibrant ‘festival of print’.

“We’re delighted to see such strong evidence that the combination of GOA, FESPA and ISS is delivering new momentum to this long-established, international graphic arts event,” Chesterman said. “We’re excited to bring everyone to this ‘superevent’ in Orlando.”


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