FESPA Publishes First Official Reinvestment Report


Nigel Steffens, CEO of FESPA

1.6 million Euros invested since 2005 in educational, knowledge-sharing and research activities for growing global community of print service providers

FESPA has published its first official Reinvestment Report, providing stakeholders in its growing global community with detailed insights into the projects that have benefited from FESPA reinvestment funding since 2005.

The eight-page report outlines FESPA’s reinvestment vision and gives details of Euros 1.6 million worth of financial support extended to FESPA’s national associations and global associate members over the last four years. In total, 175 projects have been funded, and the report offers numerous examples from around the world.

“2005 was a significant landmark in FESPA’s 40-year history, explains FESPA CEO Nigel Steffens. “The FESPA 2005 exhibition in Munich was the first to be organised by FESPA’s newly-created in-house exhibitions team, and proved to be both a phenomenal event and a financial success.

“From that point on, a significant proportion of surplus revenues generated by FESPA events have been deployed to the benefit of FESPA’s international community of print service providers, in the form of educational, knowledge-sharing, networking and best-practice initiatives. Their aim has been to stimulate the marketplace and educate and inspire members to meet future business challenges and opportunities.”

According to the Report, a specific focus for reinvestment has been on knowledge-sharing and networking, mainly in the shape of seminars, conferences and workshops. Over 70 FESPA-funded events of this kind have been held in the last five years, in 26 countries where FESPA has a presence. Examples include practical workshops in India, a special effect printing summit in China, and a summit and conference in Thailand.

Reinvestment funds have also been deployed in the production of exclusive educational tools such as the FESPA Sensations book (www.fespasensations.com), the development of e-learning courses in multiple languages, and the 2009 relaunch of FESPA’s Planet Friendly Guide to environmentally responsible printing.

FESPA also uses reinvestment funds to undertake research and market intelligence activity, with the aim of giving members of FESPA’s national associations exclusive access to information that can enhance their business planning. Examples include FESPA’s Wide and Worldwide Surveys, and the regular Economy Survey instigated in 2009 to monitor the effects of the global economic downturn on the wide-format community.

FESPA’s central web site (www.fespa.com) has also been substantially enhanced to provide stakeholders with a central repository for advice and information. Topics covered include RFID, Certified PDF, REACH, WEEE, RHoS, BREF, and include information and documentation from FESPA and expert third party sources.

All applications for reinvestment funding are evaluated by FESPA’s Projects Committee, taking into account the potential benefit to members, educational and technical value, and overall project impact. The Committee encourages members to supplement FESPA’s financial support with self-funding, commercial sponsorship or available subsidies from local business support initiatives, national or regional government.

Nigel Steffens concludes: “The rise in reinvestment activity, and the breadth of initiatives supported by FESPA, reflect the expansion and globalisation of the FESPA community in recent years. Emerging markets in Europe, Asia and the Americas have an urgent need for education, information and best practice advice, and membership of FESPA through their national associations provides print service providers in these geographies with a distinct competitive advantage.

“In more established markets, opportunities from technological developments and new applications have been balanced by pricing pressures, overcapacity and market consolidation. Print service providers have been challenged to sharpen their service propositions and act quickly in response to a changing landscape. Our reinvestment programme has enabled FESPA to offer concrete insights, information, intelligence and ideas to help members face and embrace this change.”

To obtain a copy of the FESPA Reinvestment Report, visit www.fespa.com to access and download a PDF version, or email Chris Smith at chris.smith@fespa.com

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