FESPA revamps its website to incorporate key social networks

FESPA website


FESPA has enhanced it main website (www.fespa.com) to connect with a number of key social media networks, such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and YouTube, helping the organisation capitalise on the communication opportunities that the rapidly evolving social media landscape provides. The site’s overall layout has also been given a facelift, making its content clearer and more user-friendly.

This initiative builds on the dynamic growth of FESPA’s own Wide Network, the world’s only online community for wide format digital print professionals. An early adopter of social media, FESPA developed its dedicated micro-network to create an international online community of printers, print buyers, marketers, consumers, editors, designers and analysts within the wide format industry, to encourage communication within the sector. Having tested the medium through the Wide Network, which has over 1200 members to date, FESPA is keen to take further advantage of social networks to broaden its communication with stakeholders.

Marcus Timson, FESPA Sales & Marketing Director comments: “Social media sites are not just about socialising with friends. They are a great way to stay in touch with business contacts and promote awareness of our events, products and services in the marketplace.  For FESPA, a key aspect of social networks is the open dialogue it enables with our members and the wider print community. Not only does it allow us to regularly communicate the latest FESPA news and event information and conduct quick research, but we are also able to receive direct feedback, helping us tailor initiatives to effectively meet members’ needs. For example, we have a Twitter account where we can provide FESPA ‘followers’ with the latest news, and we pick up any ‘tweet’ on the site where ‘FESPA’ is mentioned.”

FESPA.com’s revamp comes shortly after the organisation’s successful digital wide format print exhibition, FESPA Digital 2009, which was based on the theme of ‘Revolution’.

Timson continues: “Ours is a dynamic and ‘revolutionary’ community. This can be seen in the innovative technologies regularly brought to market, as well as in the inventive business practices that companies are implementing, which are increasingly including the active use of social networks. It’s important for today’s print businesses to keep up with market trends and take advantage of the commercial and learning opportunities that the ongoing media revolution presents. At FESPA, for example, we have plans to run marketing events on Twitter and are looking into other initiatives to help us engage effectively with new audiences and vertical markets.”

FESPA’s website continues to provide visitors with the latest industry news, RSS feed capability and show-dedicated links and information. Videos featuring interviews and news from prominent industry figures and FESPA spokespeople can also be viewed on the site simply by clicking on the ‘FESPA TV’ section or the YouTube icon.

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