FREE advice on how to Start Up a Sign and Print Business



Budding entrepreneurs looking at setting up a new business would do no better than to make their way to Sign & Digital UK at the NEC on 13-15 April where there will be FREE advice, demonstrations and workshops on how to maximise returns from a sign and print business.

With a wide range of suppliers on hand to answer your questions and give you advice on their products and services, the event is a great way to find out what makes this lively industry tick.

As an example of what’s on offer, Roland DG will welcome you to their stand where there will be FREE training, creative ideas, advice and demonstrations, via three unique zones: inspire me, show me, teach me.

There will be a new Signmakers Workshop at the event where you can ask questions, get involved and chat to those already running sign businesses.

FastSigns will also be in attendance to give you information on how to run a successful sign franchise.

… and if that is not enough, Adobe and Corel will be running FREE tutorials and demonstrations where you can pick up advice on how to get the most from these leading design software packages.

Register on-line at for FREE fast track entry


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