Integration Technology heads charge to industrial print curing at IMI 2010



The fast-emerging industrial digital printing market defined the USA’s IMI Suppliers Showcase this month and Integration Technology Ltd (ITL) was on hand with an extensive programme of brand new UV LED curing solutions anticipating its needs.

While end users from diverse digital markets attended the event in Baltimore, MD it was clear industrial digital printing had arrived in full force, reported ITL North America General Manager, Jennifer Heathcote.

“While the wide format commercial graphics market continues to thrive, the general view taken at IMI was that the industrial sector could be larger by a factor of at least forty,” said Jennifer.

“We picked up a lot of attention at this event because we had evidently anticipated demand from this new sector.”

Industrial printing covers a diversity of application – decorative, functional, or both – including those for printed electronics, man/machine interface, solar cell/energy, RFID, building/home décor, equipment markings, displays and optics, packaging, smart cards, life sciences and 3D prototyping.

A key sub-sector within the market, printing is starting to replace traditional electronics manufacturing content and open the door to a significant amount of new product development. A $US1.6 billion market in 2009, printed electronics is expected to worth alone some $US330 billion by 2027.

ITL reports fast-growing interest in applications for its LED Zero series products in many applications such as decorating, product packaging, printed electronics, and photovoltaics as well as wide format digital printing, where the company already has significant market share.

Seven new air cooled UV LED’s plus a further three new water cooled versions to complement the existing Pincure and Solidcure products formed ITL’s core offer at IMI, where visitors were the first to see new brands Hi-Cure and VTwin.

Jennifer added: “All of our new UV LED products were very well received at this show.  Everyone knows LEDs are the future and these new systems made an impact.”


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