Strong International Turnout and Business Deals at Ipex Signal New Period of Industry Optimism


At the mid-way stage of Ipex 2010, the organisers are delighted with the overall visitor numbers which are in line with those of 2006, despite industry consolidation. By the end of day three (Thursday, 20th May), over 35,000 visitors from more than 120 countries had walked through Ipex’s doors, with international attendance up by 16%, representing 56% of the overall visitors.

The largest visitor groups to date have come from Germany, France and Benelux. Notable increases to 2006 in attendance levels have come from Eastern Europe, Middle East & Africa, China and India, following a number of dedicated country-specific International Days.

Early feedback indicates that exhibitors are achieving or even exceeding sales targets, with a significant number of orders signed during the first half of the show. Exhibitors are equally enthusiastic about the turnout at product demonstrations, the number of serious business discussions, as well as the strong attendance from senior personnel from both overseas and UK companies. An impressive three quarters of attendees were senior managers, managing directors or business owners.

Comments Trevor Crawford, Ipex 2010 Event Director: “The industry has shown enormous resilience despite the ongoing global economic challenges. Encouraging pre-registration figures in access of 75,000 combined with the strong international attendance throughout the first half of Ipex re-iterates the importance of the Ipex brand within the global exhibition calendar. Anecdotally, we are hearing from exhibitors that for the first time, printers are bringing a number of their customers to the show, signalling its growing importance to the marketing audience.”

George Clarke, Ipex 2010 President & Heidelberg UK MD says: “We’ve been excited by the great international turnout, which has not been affected by the Icelandic ash. Ipex has retained its fantastic buzz and vibrancy. Exhibitors have worked hard to impress, visitors seem to be coming well prepared and also there are many orders being signed. We are meeting our show targets.”

Newly announced Ipex 2014 president, and European Professional Print Director at Canon Europe, David Preskett adds, “Canon came to Ipex 2010 with high hopes and so far it is proving to be a fantastic show for us. Ipex provides an ideal platform to talk to an international audience about the opportunities in the industry for business growth and from investment in the complementary technologies of offset and digital. It’s clear from feedback at the show that customers are investing now.”

During a well-attended Opening Ceremony, the Ipex ‘Champions in Print’ were honoured, with Crosfield Electronics founder John Crosfield, Indigo founder Benny Landa, St Ives founder Lord Gavron, and Professor Frank Romano, of the Rochester Institute of Technology, all present to receive their awards.

Concludes Trevor Crawford: “Ipex got off to a flying start but we are judging the success of the show by the feedback we receive from exhibitors. With the number of business deals closed and the quality of international visitors travelling to The NEC, all the indications are that the show is going to be a success.”

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