Plan ahead for the 2009 Sign & Digital UK Exhibition

Following the big success of this year’s Sign & Digital UK, Screenprint and The Digital Signage Showcase the show’s organisers, Faversham House Group, are very pleased to announce that the ABC audited figure for visitor numbers to the 2008 show was an impressive 7,645.

Rudi Blackett, Event Director, says ‘We are delighted with the response to the 2008 show from both exhibitors and visitors, and we would like to thank you all for your continued support. Our promotional campaign managed to generate new visitors as well as many previous visitors to the show and there was a great buzz onsite with record leads taken and many products sold as a result. Our website features a short film with comments from the 2008 show. See for yourself how a presence at the show can work for you.

Terry Cattle from the Robert Horne Group was among those that were very pleased with the results from exhibiting at the show : ‘We’ve definitely seen more people on the stand this year and taken more leads compared to previous years, in fact, the amount of sales leads have doubled. We’ve also had good hardware sales, having sold around 20 machines from the stand.’

Next year’s show promises to be even better and the dates have been confirmed for Sign & Digital UK, Screenprint, and The Digital Signage Showcase, the UK’s annual event for the visual communications industry, as the 28th to 30th April 2009 at the NEC, Birmingham.

Demand for stand space for the 2009 show is already at record levels, with well over half of the show already taken up.

The rush for the best stand positions is underway and exhibitors already booked include Roland DG, Hybrid Services / Mimaki, Fujifilm Sericol, Robert Horne Group, Andersons/Litho Supplies, AXYZ, Xpres, Identify Permanent Imaging Solutions, Keencut, Neschen, Plex Display, Boldscan, Albion, Signwaves … and many more.

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