INX Digital Attracts a Crowd at ISA Expo



INX Digital International Co. officials expected to draw attention to their booth during the ISA International Sign Expo, an

d they did. Attendance for the event was up and so was the attitude of booth visitors who were looking for new ink products. Visitors to the April 8-10, 2010 show left the Orange County Convention Center in Orlando, FL impressed by what they learned of the new Silver ink, as well as BIOe technology, the alternative ink market and the new Fiber-Frame poster system.


“Attendance at ISA 2010 showed a dramatic increase and the enthusiasm carried over all three days of the show,” said Ken Kisner, president of INX Digital Americas. “We experienced a significant amount of interest from people again interested in purchasing new pieces of machinery. It was a welcome rebound from a year ago where the interest was significantly less.

“Customers also visited our booth to look for solutions with our inks. The launch of our T81 and T83 water based products, the Color Compatible MLD Magenta inks, and the newly formulated HPS series for HP and Seiko printers was very successful. We also had a very good response to our new partner program from our dealers in North America where we formalized 60 new dealer locations. Overall, it was a strong show where we received immediate feedback on our new ink product launches, our parts program and technology showcase items that have since resulted in new customer orders.”

The metallic Silver inkjet ink impressed attendees who saw it demonstrated on a Mimaki JV3 printer. INX Digital has partnered with Eckert and will expand the opportunity for Silver into the UV curable market this year. Mr. Kisner expects this product to make a drastic impact on the label and tag market as well as the folding carton segments of packaging.

BIOe is a new formulation from the BioINX line of sustainable ink products. It uses renewable resource content, which Mr. Kisner says is in line with INX Digital’s multi-year strategic commitment to developing more sustainable products. BIOe produces vibrant colors, high gloss, and has the ability to print at fast speeds for use with Epson print head technologies.

Mr. Kisner said the alternative market section of the booth was very active with visitors eager to learn about how the Triangle product line will include more bio renewable type products such as BIOe. INX Digital also introduced the Fiber-Frame system at ISA. This cost effective poster system replaces sagging and drooping banners with sturdy, easy-to-assemble aluminum framing. The low maintenance design is available in three sizes.


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