Pyramid Launch “New Application” based You Tube Channel


Pyramid Display has launched a new channel on You Tube – PyramidDisplayTV.

The new channel is part of a series of initiatives from Pyramid to inform both the sign and display and commercial print market of the many new wide format applications available.

Neil McCarthy, Head of Sales & Marketing for Pyramid explains the thinking behind the new channel “After visiting the recent FESPA exhibition and taking on board the theme of innovation in the market place I felt that there was actually a gap in the communication channel. Something was missing between some great new product applications and getting these through to the everyday producer of wide format and in turn to the end user. Products like MACtac’s GlassMovie, StreetRap, decoart and WallWrap are particularly hard to visualise until you can actually see them being applied and the finished application. We worked with MACtac to produce several videos showing their most innovative products actually being installed then looked at the best way to share these with the market – The answer was You Tube. All our customers have access to the internet and you can even watch the videos in super sharp HD if you like”

PyramidDisplayTV is live at and features 8 of the latest applications from MACtac including how to turn a glass window into a giant TV screen and creating a stunning graphic on a standard brick wall then make it graffiti proof.

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