Benefits of membership to be broadcast by BPIF
Two Sides, the UK initiative to promote the responsible production and use of print and paper, and encourage its use as an attractive, practical and sustainable communications medium, today launched an initiative to attract more printers to its campaign. Promoting awareness of the sustainability of print and paper as a ‘Renewable, Recyclable and Powerful’ medium, Two Sides is encouraging UK printers to recognise the benefits of membership and add their names to the campaign’s growing numbers.
“It is important that more printers get on board and join the Two Sides campaign. Print and Paper is our livelihood and with 80% of media buyers admitting that environmental considerations affect the print buying decision, the industry needs to do all it can to promote the message that print is both a sustainable and effective medium,” says Martyn Eustace, Two Sides Director.
The benefits of joining the Two Sides campaign are considerable. As a member of the UK arm of a Europe-wide campaign, printers are able to demonstrate their own focus on sustainability, reassuring existing and potential customers of their company’s commitment to environmentally responsible print production. Membership provides access to important information on emerging sustainability issues and the challenges the industry is facing. Two Sides encourages members to use these facts in discussions with clients and prospects to demonstrate a responsible approach to print and paper production and leadership in the drive for sustainability. In addition, Two Sides provides sales collateral for printers to use including the logo which identifies their commitment and participation in the campaign. Two Sides also provides opportunities for printers to showcase themselves and their proactive approach to responsible business practices on the Two Sides website.
“With fees starting from £150 the price of membership isn’t very high, especially when you consider the opportunities for the campaign to increase the demand for print media and equip individual printers to maximise sales opportunities,” Martyn Eustace points out.
The BPIF is supporting the Two Sides’ drive to boost printer membership with a number of initiatives to encourage participation throughout its own membership. Using its in-house magazine, Inprint, as well as personal letters to its members, the BPIF will promote the Two Sides message to 2,400 UK printing companies.
Andrew Brown, Corporate Affairs Director at the BPIF, comments: “The Two Sides campaign is too important to leave to the paper industry. Printers must stand up and be proud to be counted as part of an industry that uses a recyclable product and sustainable and renewable resources. They need their media buying customers to know, unequivocally, that using print is not damaging to the environment and so help to keep print and paper an essential part of marketeers’ media buying.”