Robert Horne POS Board – Beautifully Green

Robert Horne Group

Décor, POS and display panels are essential to create the ambience, style and sophistication of in-store presentation associated with the leading retail names. More ‘environmentally conscious’ retailers aim is
to reduce their impact on the environment across the whole of their operations.  This philosophy if often relected in their choice of substrates including display boards which increasingly have to be FSC certiied
whilst providing all the traditional beneits of stunning print associated with promotional displays. Enter Beautiful Board, created to exacting speciications especially for this purpose by Robert Horne and their
manufacturer and printed by SP Group for one of their clients, a leading UK retailer.

Louise Howard, Account Director for SP Group in Redditch explained why the production of Beautiful Board  was nothing short of a “minor miracle” ensuring SP Group was able to meet the demands of their client.

“The request from our exclusive client was short but speciic; they required a POS display board that was both high quality but also FSC certiied. In this case they had a promotional deadline which required the sourcing, trialing and printing of this new material in six weeks!  Robert Horne ensured that this could be done, speeding up the timescales involved and developing this new product from scratch in a matter of weeks. Beautiful Board provided exactly what they were looking for and ensured that SP Group was able to provide the environmental credentials, quality and impact required within the times scales expectations of our client.

To complete the whole chain of custody procedure, Robert Horne was paramount to SP Print gaining FSC, with their help and guidance we were able to push through our certiication. The success of this project has ensured that SP Group will continue to provide quality POS work for our clients, especially those who require FSC certiied options in the future.”

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