The Spyder V printer has a unique Inca designed printhead array to achieve a higher throughput than other Spyder 320 printers. Print speed is up to 93m2/hr in production mode with a maximum speed of 130m2/hr.
The Spyder V has a print area of 3.2 x 1.6m on substrates as thick as 30mm. While the standard colour set of the Spyder V is four colour CMYK, a six colour version is also available with the option of using Fujifilm Sericol’s unique Uvijet Ultratone colour system.
The Inca Spyder V’s 25 picolitre drop size, combined with Inca’s own print module technology, delivers precise ink drop placement, producing the excellent print quality for which Inca is renowned. Its colour management flexibility and easy file set-up with the RIP, plus exceptional white ink opacity make it a highly adaptable system for the display printer producing a range of close viewing point-of-sale materials, external displays, backlit/frontlit displays and graphics.
Valley Printing in Bingley, UK, the beta test site for the Spyder V and a long time Inca customer, is delighted with the performance of the new printer. “I’m very impressed with its speed, performance and quality,” says John Haggas, Chairman and MD. “We produce ink heavy displays for retail POS customers and the Spyder V produces high impact results with good ink adhesion on a tremendous variety of base materials. The beauty of the Spyder is the consistency of the print it produces which reduces waste and keeps production costs down. Plus, I like its small footprint which allows me to pile in/out stock close to the machine.”
The Spyder V will complement other Spyder models in the range. Its faster speed enables the Spyder V to fill the gap between the traditional Spyder 320 series and the faster Turbo Plus which delivers speeds of up to 160m2/hr. For customers still requiring the widest colour gamut, the 8 colour Spyder 320 will continue to be a preferred option.
“Although the Spyder 320 is our most popular printer, customer feedback told us that they would like a Spyder printer with speeds closer to that of our Turbos,” explains Heather Kendle, Inca Digital’s director of marketing. “Now, our customers can be even more productive, allowing them extra capacity than they were previously able to generate with the 320 range, whilst still offering versatility on colour options, the Spyder V, with 4 or 6-colour options, provides an even greater selection of Spyder printers from which to choose.”
Inca Digital’s distribution partner, Fujifilm Sericol, will demonstrate the Spyder V at the upcoming SGIA show and is currently taking orders for the Spyder V.