Inca Digital Boosts Onset S20 Production Speed to Reach 310 sqm/hr



Inca Digital has increased the output of its wide format Inca Onset S20 flatbed printer to 310 sqm/hr. The Onset S20 has undergone two speed upgrades since its launch last year to give an overall 24 per cent performance boost: new automation introduced in June gave the first improvement, while the new print mode announced today adds a further 15 percent.

While this new faster print mode may not be suitable for the most demanding images, tests have shown that it will be suitable for a variety of everyday files. The printer’s new high-speed mode enables users to print high-volume graphics at 310 sqm/hr, equivalent to 62 full beds per hour. This mode has been introduced in response to users’ requirements for even higher levels of ultra-fast display graphics production.

The high-volume Onset S20, sold exclusively by Fujifilm, prints a variety of finishes on a wide range of materials up to 3.14m x 1.6m and 50mm thick. The Onset S20 has been designed to provide the highest level of flexibility and can be operated in a variety of quality and productivity modes from 600-1000dpi and from 150–310 sqm/hr. The faster print mode will be issued to all existing Onset S20 customers as a free upgrade and is included as standard in all new Onset S20 printers.

“Versatility is embedded deep into the Onset S20’s DNA and its design allows us to react quickly to market needs and enhance some features,” explains Dr Linda Bell, CEO, Inca Digital. “This printer delivers exceptional results at speed in its standard production modes, but not all jobs require these levels of quality. Our customers are handling a lot of poster type work that the Onset S20 can now produce, still at good levels of quality, but at even higher speed levels. Our customers are eager to exploit all the capabilities of the Onset S20. They have asked us for this new mode and the design of the printer allows us to quickly respond to them”.

The Inca Onset S20, also available with automation, prints with the six-colour (CMYKLcLm) Fujifilm Uvijet Enhance ink set producing quality and variable finish effects (matt, satin, high gloss) for a range of applications including display POS, exhibition graphics, backlit/frontlit displays and outdoor signage.


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