William Smith offers preview opportunities for new HP Designjet latex

HP Designjet L25500 at William Smith

William Smith is offering the UK sign and graphic industry the opportunity to get ahead of the game in advance of the arrival in January of the latest HP Latex inkjet printer, the 60” (1524mm) Designjet L25500, with a series of demonstrations and viewing days throughout October, November and December.

The Designjet L25500 makes HP’s new environmentally friendly latex inkjet technology an affordable printing option for both indoor and outdoor applications.

Latex water-based ink is non-hazardous, free of VOCs, cures instantly and is virtually odourless. Furthermore, a wider range of print media can be used, including wallpaper.

The Designjet L25500 offers significant production advantages –
•    No daily maintenance is required
•    Increased productivity – e.g. from print to vehicle wrap in 30 minutes
•    Simple user replaceable printheads
•    Constant 1200dpx x 1200dpi printing
•    Outdoor durability up to 5 years laminated, 3 years non-laminated

Environmental benefits include –
•    Improved working environment for operators
•    Reduced energy costs as no special ventilation equipment or external dryers are required
•    Ink cartridges can be recycled

William Smith’s advance viewing opportunities for the HP Designjet L25500 will take place in Nottingham during October and November, and at William Smith’s head office site at Barnard Castle throughout the week of 7th-11th December.

For more information or to book your place at an advance viewing demonstration contact Chris Bradley at

Grove Works, Barnard Castle, County Durham, DL12 8JG
Telephone: 01833 694707
Website: www.williamsmith.co.uk

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