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Worldwide GMG/X-Rite “scrapping campaign” for old i1 measuring instruments

i1 x-rite gmg


GMG, developer and supplier of high-end color management and proofing solutions, has launched a campaign enabling customers using old i1 measuring devices (Revision A or B) to buy a new i1 at the special price of Euro 699 until August 15, 2009. To take advantage of this offer, old i1 devices have to be returned to GMG via its authorized dealers.

The aim of the campaign is to ensure that as many customers as possible work with state-of-the-art devices. GMG ProofControl, in combination with i1 measuring instruments, has been an indispensable part of daily proof production and verification for years. But only measuring instruments that operate within the specifications of the prescribed standard really fulfill their purpose.

Consequently recertification is an important issue. The factory calibration of an i1 is valid for 12 months, after which X-Rite offers recertification for all spectrophotometers. As a result devices are sent to the X-Rite Service Department, where they are tested and cleaned before being subjected to the same calibration procedure as a newly manufactured unit.

However, with much older Revision A or B devices in daily use, recertification is often not worth while for financial reasons, because the repair costs far exceed the remaining value of the device. In addition, in comparison with first generation devices, new i1 instruments perform measurements twice as fast due to the progress made in sensor development.

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