Key Features include Media and White Ink Handling Flexibility, Contone and Dot Proofing, Easy-to-Use Linearisation and Profiling as Well as Multiple Printer Support
EFI announced today EFI XF 4.1 (EFI XF Colorproof and EFI Fiery XF) for Epson Stylus Pro WT7900, offering an advanced solution for packaging proofing. New features include easy and flexible white ink handling on difficult substrates such as transparent and metallic media, contone and dot proofing, accurate spot colour reproduction, easy printer linearisation and profiling, and multiple printer support. EFI Colorproof XF 4.1 also supports ISO 12647-7 compliant proof validation on any opaque proofing media including automatic proof verification with the onboard SpectroProofer measurement device. EFI Colorproof XF 4.1. supports all the high-quality features of Epson Stylus Pro WT7900, allowing a greater return on investment.
“EFI Colorproof XF 4.1 capabilities takes printers, such as the Epson Stylus Pro WT7900, to a new level of accuracy and ease for packaging proofing,” saidStefan Spiegel, general manager of EFI Graphic Arts Solutions.”A number of top level customers have already put the combination of EFI XF 4.1 and the Epson Stylus Pro WT7900 to the test. They tell us the results they achieve give them an edge over the competition in terms of both customer satisfaction and profitability.”
White Ink Handling
Advanced white ink handling includes adjustable white ink density; white tinting, definable in CMYK to match the appearance of white on the press; definable printing order (colour on white, white on colour or surface print and reverse print); selectable white ink printing modes (bounding box, image areas only or white spot colour channel only); opacity simulation for transparent media; support of multiple white channels and support for up to two control strips printable with and without white.
EFI XF 4.1 for the Epson Stylus Pro WT7900 comes pre-installed with output profiles for all Epson proofing media including ClearProof and CrystalClear Film. It supports the latest Windows 7 and Mac OS 10.6 operating systems.
“The media flexibility of the Epson Stylus Pro WT7900 with EFI XF Solutions is remarkable. The output quality in terms of spot colour accuracy and dot quality on both transparent and metallic media as well as white-ink handling is the best I’ve seen,” said Mario Levers, head of production for Toppack Summen & Bergs GmbH, a leading provider of brand solutions based in Ahaus, Germany.
Additional Key Features
- Automatic linearisation, profiling, optimisation and calibration (with definable calibration intervals) to perfectly set up and maintain the system (software & printer & substrate)
- Automatic printing and inline-verification of proof without user interaction
- Automatic job-specific analysis and optimisation with Dynamic Wedge ™ – a dynamically created control strip containing the job key colours (including spot colours) for verification and job specific optimisation.
- Automatic media wedge measuring of up to two wedges enabling the ISO 12647-7 compliant verification based on the Ugra/Fogra media wedge or IDEAlliance control strip and the job-specific control of the job key colours with the Dynamic Wedge.
For detailed information of EFI FX 4.1 visit