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The Wasatch Tracer Simplifies the White Ink Production Process

Wasatch SoftRIP V6.6

The all new Wasatch Tracer, available in SoftRIP Version 6.6, is a tool for creating underlays, overlays, varnishes, second surface prints, and other non-colour separations directly in Wasatch SoftRIP. This feature streamlines white ink workflows, improves the white ink production process, and makes it easy to auto-generate white ink plates.

The Wasatch Tracer provides a streamlined white ink workflow so users can spend less time preparing their job and more time printing it. With the ability to render any contour cut path in white, the Tracer provides a powerful alternative to creation of white plates in third party graphics applications.

The Wasatch Tracer gives SoftRIP users complete control of the white ink production process. With the ability to set a tolerance level, specify a minimum object size, apply a choke or spread to the contour cut path, and exclude interior paths from being traced, users can customize a white plate for nearly any situation.

White ink printing is a widespread new capability of inkjet printers. Dark substrate signage, digital garment printing, and second surface printing of transparent materials all present special production problems. Generating these special plates within the RIP is often the best answer. With the ability to completely control Trace options and auto-generate inks from the resulting traced areas, the Wasatch Tracer makes it easy to manage white ink workflows.

Currently UK users that upgrade to Wasatch V6.6 through IGS, will also be entitled to a free training day, held at Walsall College, where all of the new and most relevant features of SoftRIP will be taught.

Wasatch SoftRIP is available in the UK and Europe from Tech8

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