Mondo Times – The Worldwide News Media Guide


Mondo Times ( is the worldwide media guide, providing fast access to newspapers, magazines, radio and tv stations and news agencies worldwide. They also provide detailed contact information for American media to Mondo Times members.

‘Mondo’ is Italian for world, and the basic mission of Mondo Times is to give you quick access to current news, events and information from around the world.

In more technical terms, Mondo Times is a gateway service and reputation manager for mass media on the World Wide Web.

This service is unique in providing a single point of access to all kinds of mass media (newspapers, magazines, radio, TV and news agencies) all over the world. And MT provides much more than just a list of links.

Here you can rate the quality and political orientation of every media outlet, and share your views about their performance (or lack thereof).

All Kinds of Media

Slowly but surely, the World Wide Web is delivering on its potential as an integrated multimedia service. The old distinctions between traditional media outlets are increasingly blurred, with newspapers streaming video and TV networks offering detailed text analysis.

In light of how the media world is changing, it makes sense to provide access to all kinds of mass media in one place. Mondo Times does that and more.


More Than Access

Mondo Times offers convenient access to mass media worldwide, but it’s also a reputation manager. That is, it’s designed to help you assess both the quality of each media outlet and the political views which influence its output. For more details see the Rating Guide.

Your Participation

The Internet is a powerful medium for creating, distributing and exchanging information. But at the large majority of web sites, information flows in one direction only and the “audience” must take what it is given. The lack of collaboration and interaction is a huge lost opportunity, we believe. When people collaborate, new information is generated and new value is created.

On the Internet we don’t have to be limited to the role of a viewer in an audience, unable to contribute in a meaningful way. The old media model treats the user as a passive recipient of someone else’s ideas rather than an active participant in the process of creating information and ideas. The power of the Internet is in doing, not viewing, and Mondo Times was developed in that spirit.

About Mondo Times

Mondo Times is produced by Mondo Code LLC, an online production company based in Boulder, Colorado USA. Visit their website at


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