City & West End Solutions Embrace Life in Latex!


City & West End Solutions Lead the HP Latex Channel

City & West End Solutions will be exhibiting the new HP Designjet L25500 Latex ink printers on its stand (C30) at Sign&Digital UK this year. Having already built an enviable lead in selling over 85% of all the larger L65500 latex printers in the UK this year, the company is looking forward to repeating its success with the smaller version of this ground breaking printer.

Managing Director of City & West End Solutions, Doug Gilbertson, is positive both about the forthcoming exhibition ‘Sign & Digital is the ideal showcase for the new 60inch and 42inch L25500 models, its already making a deep impact into the traditional solvent sign maker market. Quite simply if you’re a sign maker who wants to grow your business you need to look at these printers, the productivity benefits from its performance alone warrants this, if you add the wider environmental benefits as well its essential’

City & West End Solutions is also showcasing a full range of solutions with the HP Designjet L25500 at the core. With Summa cutters available in bundles with the new printer there is a solution for every user. As the leading Onyx RIP reseller in the UK there will be software upgrade and bundle offers through out the show period.

Gilbertson continues ‘Our philosophy is to help our customers at every stage in their investment in new technology whether it’s a new printer or updating their current Rip. We know that getting the best support possible is crucial to making new technology produce the profit our customers expect. Our customers simply get the best service in the market and will always do so.’

City & West End Solutions solution lead philosophy also extends to how new equipment is financed for their customers. With capital expenditure under constant pressure the availability of competitive leasing options is a vital element in putting the right solution together.

‘Our relationship with our customers is guided by the simple objective of getting the best possible overall solution for them and their business. This mean getting the right hardware, software and media to produce the result they want. It also means we give our customers the best options in how to pay for their solution. In terms of leasing options we are able to obtain the most competitive rates in the market so they have all the flexibility possible in ensuring that their solution produces the right return for their business.’ concludes Gilbertson.

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