Sign & Digital UK 2010 see’s the introduction of 3 NEW features; the Sign Makers Workshop the Software Theatre and the New Product & Demo ‘Launch Pad’.
Adobe Theatre
Adobe will once again be hosting their own software theatre that was expanded with great success to make it even more accessible in 2009. Hosted by Terry Steeley from Iridius, demonstrations, tips and creative solutions for using Adobe Creative Suite 4 will be available including Adobe Bridge, Photoshop, InDesign, Illustrator and Acrobat Pro. In addition, representatives will be on hand from Apple, giving a session on getting the most out of Mac OS X v10.6 ‘Snow Leopard’.
View all Adobe Theatre seminars
Corel Theatre
Running alongside the Adobe Theatre once again are the FREE Corel semina sessions, full of the latest features and advice. Make sure you take in these presentations.
View all Corel Theatre Seminars
Signmakers Workshop
Presenting this new feature is expert Paul Hughes from Western Signs & Printing and the popular Price It Guide who has owned and run a successful sign making business for 13 years! Running the demo theatre where he will be hosting a live demo area on the basics of sign making, a must see for anyone one in the sign making industry or anyone who wants to be! One of the sessions entitled ‘the sign clinic’ is a questions and answers forum with live / hands on demos.
View all Signmakers Workshop seminars
Software Demo Theatre
Bringing you the very latest software packages for the Sign & Digtial market. Presented by industry experts to give you the benefit of FREE advice. Each FREE session consists of 45 minutes, repeated each day of the show.
View all Software Demo seminars
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