Enfocus launches Instant PDF 09, the latest version of its easy and reliable tool for producing press-ready Certified PDFs. By preflighting and automatically correcting PDF files after creation, Instant PDF 09 brings unprecedented simplicity and standard compliance to the desktops of designers. The latest release comes with support for Adobe CS 5 and QuarkXPress 8 applications, as well as the latest industry standards.
Enfocus Instant PDF 09 makes producing press-ready PDFs easy. The tool is intended for creative professionals who need to output PDFs that are preflighted to industry standards prior to submission for printing, either internally or to an external print service provider or publisher. Instant PDF 09 is easy to use, reliable, and accepts profiles for PDF creation and preflight verification supplied by printers or publishers, if required. Instant PDF 09 is now also compatible with Windows 7 and Mac version OS X 10.4.11 through to the latest 10.6; now including 64-bit compatibility.
The PDFs created with Instant PDF 09 comply with print or advertisement vendors’ specifications, including ISO PDF/X-1a, PDF/X-3, PDF/X-4 and the latest Ghent PDF Workgroup (GWG) industry standards. The files are Certified PDFs, with embedded metadata that includes creator, verification and profile information that stays with the file throughout its lifetime.
“With Instant PDF 09, creative professionals can work within the latest design software and operating systems. Print providers will see a significant reduction in customer service calls and prepress workload, because Certified PDF files are always output correctly from the workstation,” says Elli Cloots, Director of Product Management at Enfocus. “The Enfocus Certified PDF technology allows graphic designers to deliver high quality Certified PDF files to their print providers, without having to worry about all the technical details.”
Create PDFs according to the newest standards and specifications
Working from within any design application such as Adobe CS 5 or QuarkXPress 8, PDFs are easily output by simply selecting “Save as Certified PDF…” from the File menu. Instant PDF 09 then handles the process of creating a PDF to specifications, including preflight and automatic correction of most common errors, on-the-fly. It even sends the press-ready PDFs directly to the printer’s inbox, FTP server or Enfocus PowerSwitch automated workflow – and all without leaving the application.
Prepress experts, such as print service providers, can create standard or custom PDF Queues that are easily imported into Instant PDF. PDF Queues contain all the PDF creation and preflight settings required for outputting quality PDFs. They can be distributed as files or published on the CertifiedPDF.net website, where designers can subscribe for free and automatically receive all of the latest PDF Queues. Instant PDF 09 also uses the latest checks and fixes introduced in PitStop Pro 09.