Smart tool builds communication bridge and enables Danish printer to receive print-ready, preflighted PDF files
Strandbygaard Grafisk A/S, a leading Danish print company, invested in Enfocus PitStop Connect to streamline PDF transfers from its clients. The software, just launched at Ipex 2010, enables the Danish printer to receive PDF files –already preflighted– directly from its clients. The new streamlined workflow reduces communication efforts by 25-40%, saving valuable time and resources and boosting production efficiency significantly.
Strandbygaard Grafisk A/S, a family-owned and operated print company, has been serving the Danish market for more than 100 years. Like many printers, the company has seen a gradual shift over recent years towards PDF for printing, with more than 95% of files received today in that format. Unfortunately, many of those PDF files fail preflight scrutiny. A series of communication loops between the printer and creative is then required to resolve the issues and make the file print-ready. To solve this problem and streamline the workflow, Strandbygaard Grafisk invested in PitStop Connect which eradicates errors in PDFs before they reach the printer.
“Before we installed PitStop Connect, 25% of PDFs received failed our preflight checks,” says Allan Bernhard, Prepress Manager at Strandbygaard Grafisk. “We spent a lot of time going back and forwards to the client to resolve the issues and this just soaked up valuable time. Now, when creatives attempt to send a file, the Connector first conducts a preflight check. In case of errors the creative receives a preflight report identifying the problems that need attention. In some cases we even allow our creatives to sign-off on certain errors and still allow a file that failed preflight to be delivered.”
“Almost every file we receive now is print-ready, and we’ve reduced our communication efforts with customers by around 25-40%,” Bernhard continues. “We’re extremely happy with the improved workflow and our customers see a real value-add as well.”
Integration with Switch workflow
The company works with a number of Enfocus solutions – including PitStop Pro, PitStop Server and Switch – for more than a decade. The ability to integrate PitStop Connect directly into the Switch workflow was one of the main drivers behind Strandbygaard Grafisk’s decision to invest in the new software.
“Enfocus Switch is the backbone of our automated prepress workflow for some years now,” explains Bernhard. “Because PitStop Connect integrates seamlessly with Switch, PDF files are imported directly into the automated workflow. And because metadata can be linked to the file, all key customer information such as company name, contact email address, number of copies required, etc. gets imported as well. With preflight now carried out at the creative side, we have a fully automated streamlined workflow: from creation to print – which boosts production efficiency with no end.”
No charge for printer’s clients
Unlike the click-based pricing models used by competing products, the Enfocus PitStop Connect is available for a one-off fee of €3,999 – irrespective of the number of users.
“The pricing model was also what did it for us,” says Bernhard. “We could have equipped every customer with PitStop Pro, but that would have proved too complex and too expensive for most of them and on top they would be able to deliver files to other printers as well. With PitStop Connect, they simply download the software on to their desktop. When they have a PDF ready to send, they simply drag and drop it on to the ‘Connector’ and press ‘go’. They pay absolutely nothing and from our end we know in advance exactly what the costs are.”
Powerful marketing tool
PitStop Connect can also be branded for an individual print company. “We will definitely take advantage of the branding feature,” says Bernhard. “With PitStop Connect we offer clients simplicity and a hassle-free way to get their PDFs to us. It’s a real added value for them and we want to ensure they associate that value with Strandbygaard Grafisk. It’s powerful marketing.”
Strandbygaard Grafisk purchased PitStop Connect through Peter Leth Kjær of InProduction ApS, Enfocus’ Danish Certified Expert. InProduction delivers first line of local support for all of Enfocus’ solutions in the Danish market and also provides workflow consultancy services to its clients.